WWE NEWS: WWE RAW Results - 7/3/15
We are live for Monday Night Raw! We see a different graphic for Roddy Piper instead of the one on the house show loop. Everyone is on the ramp with Hot Rod shirts, and we toll the bell ten times in honor of “Rowdy” Roddy Piper! Some fans have their hands over their hearts, and for one last time we hear the bagpipes, I got goosebumps already so we know we will have an amazing night tonight.
We also see an amazing shot of a chair with Roddy’s name on it. The days of Piper’s Pit. I just want to say that Roddy has been an influence in my life and taught me to take crap from nobody, as a lot of us learned from that. If you want something, go take it! Of course there probably will be no footage from Hogan’s matches with him for obvious reasons. But I will say this, there would be no Hulk Hogan if not for Roddy Piper. We see the famous smashing of the coconut from Jimmy “Superfly” Snuka. The smoking of Mr. Downy at Mania, Speaking of Mania, Stone Cold on the pit! We do see some pictures of Hogan though throughout this package. And the infamous “I have come here to kick ass and chew bubblegum! And I’m all out of gum!” line from They Live. So many moments, so little time. God bless you Roddy and I’ll see you on the other side.
We get mixed Rowdy and Roddy chants and we now go into the regular intro and pyro. We are live from San Jose, California. We have a six man tag for tonight, Randy Orton, Roman Reigns & Dean Ambrose vs Bray Wyatt, Luke Harper & the MITB holder, Sheamus. As well as the return of Brock Lesnar, but we kick things off with the Undisputed Champion, Seth Rollins and his new “Never Shut Up” shirt. I love it, we have Michael Cole, JBL & Byron Saxton on commentary for tonight as we see the breaking of the nose of John Cena! Seth has the mic and says there is only one person that can slow me down, and that person is named Seth Rollins! In all seriousness and I’ve had a problem and I know it,sympathy. And look no further to when I put my knee into John Cena’s nose, if a picture is worth a thousand words, this video is priceless. We see the knee that broke the nose of Cena, and now we see it in slow-motion! And if you can see the pinpoint of the knee right there! We get a thank you Rollins chant! I love it! Seth says it was disgusting, I felt John Cena’s nose crack on my knee. I heard the pop when it shattered, and at first I didn’t feel bad, that kind of thing happens in a WWE ring.John Cena’s face won’t be the first I smashed and it won’t be the last. But it is the first time I broke the face that run the place, but then mothers and children, please shield your childrens eyes. Because John turned and this was what faced me. I will admit, that nose is almost Barrett worthy. I mean who wouldn’t feel sympathy for a face like that. I knew we had to do the right thing, we had to stop the match and award me the US Championship. John wanted to finish the fight, and the referee was not sympathetic as I am and I let my guard down and I promise you, that will never, ever happen again! So I got a proposition for you, John Cena. I know you’re nursing your wounds and looking like a Picasso painting, but how about we do it one more time? John Cena vs Seth Rollins, one on one, title for title! Winner take all at the four hour extraveganza on the WWE Network, SummerSlam! And John, if you don’t have the grapefruits to show up at SummerSlam, then maybe you can forfiet your US title to me. But for the first time ever, someone will hold the United States and Undisputed Championships, at the same time! Now I digress, for tonight, San Jose is the place to be. I mean, not because of you guys, but because of me. The champ is in the house, and lets not forget, this is where I won my Undisputed Championship at WrestleMania, and this is the sight, of John Cena’s first ever Open Challenge. So anything John can do, I can do better. So for the first time ever, we will have an Undisputed Championship Open Challenge! And that’s going to start..right now! So if you want some, come get some, who’s it gonna be? Because the champ is here! This will happen next! I love it Maggle!
We see a promo for the Undertaker/Lesnar main event at SummerSlam!
Seth Rollins is still in the ring, he is joined by Jojo. Seth Rollins, is this open challenge legitamite? Rollins has 100 percent legitamite, as long as they are under six feet tall, and they are under 200 pounds. So this is a match against El Torito! Wait a minute, this is a man that fits the bill, Neville! Lillian Garcia gives us the in-ring introductions.
WWE Undisputed Championship Match: Seth Rollins (c) vs Neville
This is the first time the WWE Championship has been on the line on Raw for quite some time and we are underway! Lockup and a gobehind but Rollins grabs the arm and then has the headlock takeover. Roll through and a great armdrag by Neville for two. Neville sweeps the leg and we get a lockup into the corner with a clean break, or so we thought as Neville is just putting the boots to him in the corner. Side elbow in the corner by Rollins, Neville jumps over, does several flips and puts a boot up followed by a hurricanrana and what a dive to the outside! Rollins is tossed back inside, Neville sets up for the Red Arrow but Rollins gets out of the way and Neville with a crossbody to the outside followed by a corkscrew senton! Raw Rolls on!
Rollins with a clothesline and a two count as we come back, rest hold applied by Rollins. We see during the commercial as Rollins dropkicked Neville onto the annoucne table. Back to live action as Nevile is stungunned into the ropes and a boot sends him down for two. Headlock applied by Rollins, boot to the midsection by Rollins but Neville flips over and hits a jawbreaker. Elbows and kicks by Neville but Rollins with somewhat of a slingblade for two. Rollins is sizing him up, flying forearm in the corner and Rollins going up top but flies into a superkick followed by a spike hurricanrana for two! What a match so far! Neville with the go behind and Rollins jumps over it, Neville does the same but this time Neville with a German, followed by a German with the bridge and Rollins somehow gets the shoulder up! Neville sets him up for the Red Arrow, Rollins gets up and hits a clothesline that almost made Neville go inside-out! Rollins with the Pedigree but Neville rolls him up for what should have been a three count! You can’t get closer than that! Boot to the head of Neville, Rollins going up top now. Neville runs up there and hits a Hurricanrana and goes for it! Red Arrow connecting! Seth Rollins somehow got his foot on the middle rope! Neville stop wasting time here! Cover him again! The crowd wants to see the Red Arrow one more time and Neville will oblige! This time Neville misses and here we go, Pedigree and it’s over! But what a showing by Neville!
Winner and still Undisputed Champion: Seth Rollins
Brock Lesnar will return later tonight, but coming up next, The Lucha Dragons and Los Matadores will face The New Day and The Ascension!
We see a promo for Cesaro and Smackdown!
We learn in just two weeks, Daniel Bryan’s new autobiography has made it to the top 20 New York Times bestsellers!
The Prime Time Players are on commentary. The New Day make their way to the ring, every other team is in the ring.
Lucha Dragons & Los Matadores vs The Ascension & New Day (Kofi Kingston & Big E)
Kalisto and Kofi kick things off with some great acrobatics and one of the Matadors tag in and are making sure he keeps Kofi in the corner but he gets taken to the other corner and Viktor tags in. We get an Ole by the matador and Viktor gets kicked in the face but Viktor pushes him off of the top rope as Raw rolls on.
Kofi and a Matador are back in the ring as Xavier Woods is hyping up this crowd. Kofi with a dropkick and a two count. Viktor tags in and a diving fist for two. Xavier is still talking to the Prime Time Players. Flying knee to the jaw of the matador but the matador with a back body drop and both men need a tag. Kofi and Sin Cara tag in, Sin Cara with a springboard elbow, chops and a cover but Konnor breaks up the pin. Everyone is flying everywhere as the Matadors fly on The Ascension, Big E flys now and clotheslines a few people. Cara flies out and Kalisto tags in for the crossbody for a two count! Woods tries to get involved but El Torito sweeps the leg and Kalisto kicks Woods off, Kofi with the kick to the head and the victory!
Winners: New Day & Ascension
Becky Lynch, Paige and Charlotte make their way to the ring, the Divas Revolution is up next!
Speaking of divas, the Bella’s try to become lady-like and Paige does not like the tea time racism involved. Find out where Paige drives off to tomorrow night on Total Divas!
Team Bella makes their way to the ring and Alicia Fox has a Hot Rod shirt on. The Bella Twins will be in action in this match. We see a Bella backstage promo and she talks about the Diva Revolution when she won the Divas title at Survivor Series. But here we go! Charlotte and Becky Lynch in tag team action, Paige has a Hot Rod shirt on as well. Charlotte, Becky & Paige talk about this being a Submission Serority!
The Bella Twins vs Becky Lynch & Paige
Becky and Brie kick things off and Becky made her singles debut on Main Event by beating Brie and Becky takes her down followed by three legdrops and Charlotte with a Flair like knee for a two count.Team BAD’s Sasha Banks, Naomi & Tamina look on backstage. Nikki and Brie with a double team for a two count as Nikki is now legal. Charlotte now in posistion right now and Nikki tries to fight out of a hold but cannot at this time. Charlotte takes her down for the figure four but Nikki kicks her off, elbow by Charlote, Brie tries to get involved but Nikki takes her off of the turnbuckle for two. The Bella’s with a nice double team as Brie gets a two count as we learn Paige will be on the Stone Cold Podcast tonight. Brie with a sleeper applied but Charlotte with the over the shoulder boulder holder to escape and here comes Becky like a house of fire and a two count. Discoostin Armbar locked in but Brie gets the ropes. Becky misses with the baseball slide to the outside and Brie with a dropkick! Team Bella pose on top of Charlotte as we cut to break.
Becky tries to get the tag but Nikki prevents that from happening as we come back from the break, during the break we see a beautiful double suplex by the Bella’s, back to live action as Becky misses the clothesline and Nikki takes her down for two. Brie tags in and a double axe handle by both Bella’s and take Becky down for two. Team BAD continues to look on. Brie with stomps and kicks in the corner. Bulldog by Brie for two once again. Brie choking Becky on the corner, Brie goes for the Briemode knee and connects for a two count! Becky fights out of the hold with a European uppercut and a double clothesline sends both divas down. Nikki and Charlotte tag in and Charlotte with those chops like daddy followed by a spear and Brie breaks up the count and Becky gives Brie a T-Bone Suplex! Spinebuster by Nikki and Charlotte powers out. Counter city into the Figure Eight! Nikki has no choice but to tap out and Charlotte has made the Divas Champion tap out!
Winners by Submission: Charlotte and Becky Lynch
Team BAD watches on from backstage, Sasha talks about how she made Charlotte tap out last week and Naomi tells JoJo to get her facts straight, and she talks about Ronda Rousey being bad, but they’re the baddest chicks on Raw and challenges Paige to a match later tonight. She says she will send the Sister Seniority back to Freak Island!
We will have Brock Lesnar return later tonight, as well as our six man tag. But coming up next, MizTV will host Kevin Owens and Cesaro to a special edition!
We see Roman Reigns having a Be A Star promo that people are swooning over him.
Who’s journey will end? Find out on Tough Enough tomorrow night.
We get a promo for NXT as Samoa Joe will face Rhyno this Wedensday!
Miz has a Hot Rod shirt on as we are ready for MizTV. Miz says there would be no other shows if it wasn’t for Piper’s Pit! From the bottom of my heart Roddy, you will be missed! There’s a saying that says on fire. As he is judge of Tough Enough, among other things, he then goes on to ramble about Ryback vacating the title like Daniel Bryan did and it should go to the number one contender which is him. He introduces two men that are as on fire as he is, first, Kevin Owens.
Owens sits down and they shake hands, Miz says Owens has made it by being on Miz TV. Owens says he is a big fan of Miz, he has all of his movies on blu-ray. Owens says that Cesaro is jelous of him, the fact is, I’ve accomplished a lot in the last three months. Cue Cesaro to interrupt. And he even has a blue suit on!
There are a lot of Cesaro Section signs in the crowd tonight. Cesaro takes a mic and says he came to hear what Walk Owens Walk has to say. Owens continues and says Cesaro is jelous of him because of how dedicated as he is, you will never match my god given ability for this business! Cesaro says let’s get one thing straight, if anything I am ashamed of you, because every time you walk away from a match, you disrespect the WWE Universe and everyone who has stepped foot in this ring. Kevin, quite frankly, you are an embarrasment. Owens asks he’s an embarrasment? It’s funny that I have accomplished more in three months than you have in three years! Cesaro says that this is a WWE ring and he is ready to fight! Owens and Cesaro tell Miz to shut up and let the real men fight. Owens says he will fight for the right price, but not tonight. Owens is about to walk, Miz tells Cesaro to do something, Owens comes back in and attacks him from behind, we almost saw Swing Owen Swing but Owens gets out of it and walks!
Paige will face Naomi later tonight. But here comes Rusev and Summer Rae, Rusev will face Mark Henry up next.
We see more drama and the reality is setting in. Who will quit? Find out tomorrow night on Tough Enough on USA.
We see Ronda Rousey thanking Roddy for giving her her nickname, she payed triute to Roddy after her fight, in which she won in 34 seconds.
Rusev and Summer make their way to the ring. We see the attack to Dolph Ziggler from last month and the brawl from Lana and Summer. Mark Henry makes his way to the ring.
Rusev vs Mark Henry
This match is underway and Rusev with punches and kicks to the big man but Henry pushes him off but Rusev dropkciks him down for a two count. Rusev stomping down and notice that Rusev has boots on now. This might be to prevent the injury from happening again. A we want Lana chant breaks out and Henry slams him down followed by a pair of clotheslines. Henry slams him down once again for two. Elbow by Rusev and a kick right to the chin of Mark Henry! Rusev with a thrust kick and Rusev picks up the win!
Winner: Rusev
Rusev with a superkick to Mark Henry! Summer applauds her man.
JBL tells us how the WWE Network is cheaper than on PPV. We get a look at Swerved, which recently got canceled due to the complaining of several superstars, as you can see why with that amazing gun of white powder.
Six man tag later tonight, Bray Wyatt cuts a promo that I cannot do justice. But I like how Luke Harper says they wanted Dean Ambrose in the Wyatt Family, but Dean chose wrong.
We see more arrogant tea tactics by the Bella Twins.
Zack Ryder makes his way to the ring as Cole promotes Just For Men. King Barrett makes his way to the ring. He asks us for some decorum please. As his one true King Of The Ring he must take out all pretenders. Zack Ryder may be the King of the Internet, but where is his crown? He will take all pretenders and make them look like the scuff on his boot. He tells us to All Hail King Barrett!
Zack Ryder vs King Barrett
Barrett with kicks and punches followed by tossing Ryder into the corner but here comes Ryder with several kicks and punches of his own but gets rolled up for two. Headlock applied by Barrett but Ryder fights out of it, facebuster by Ryder followed by knees in the corner and a missile dropkick. Clothesline in the corner and this could only mean one thing, the Broski Boot connects! Rough Ryder but Ryder bonks his head on the turnbuckle and here comes the BullHammer! Barrett picks up the win!
Winner: King Barrett
Brock Lesnar is up next.
The New Day faces PTP and Mark Henry on Smackdown!
Paul Heyman is in the ring, I had to take a personal phone call (I don’t usually bring things like that up but it happens sometimes) but Heyman talks about the Undertakers undefeated streak, and how the Undertaker is afraid of Brock Lesnar, as we see the brawl from two weeks ago as well as the conquering of the streak. He says Undertaker will never rest in peace because he cannot live with himself that he cannot, and will never beat Brock Lesnar, in what is now 22-1 of the undefeated streak at WrestleMania! Ladies and gentleman, Brock Lesnar! And here comes Brock Lesnar! Brock is circling the ring and makes Michael Cole stand up as he continues to circle the ring. Brock has taken the steps and tossed them into the ring! Flipping them over as we get a Suplex City chant. He stands on top of the steps, Heyman continues to say that the last time the WWE sanctioned a match between Brock and Taker, the Undertaker had to leave with an ambulance. Heyman brings us a rare look behind closed doors, as Taker called Vince McMahon and begged him for a rematch at WrestleMania 31, but Vince denied this from happening, so Taker had to play the WWE’s hand, so this is the match that is too big for WrestleMania! It is the rematch of now, and forever! Because my client will stamp the repeat, in eat, sleep, conquer, repeat! Because you are going to Suplex City! Last time Undertaker you needed an ambulance, a stretcher and a year to recover! Heyman then says something in Latin and says Amen, because you will rest and peace and will be facing my Beast, your Conqueror! Brock Lesnar!
Cole then shills the WWE Network and SummerSlam. We head to last week on Raw. The nose that is probably worse than Barretts.
We see a promo for the Stone Cold Podcast, it will be Paige as the special guest tonight.
We see the WWE Rewind, brought to you by Old Spice. We see the victory by Charlotte and Becky Lynch from earlier tonight.
Paige makes her way to the ring, accompanied by Charlotte and Becky Lynch. Is it just me or has Paige’s hair gotten more blue? Naomi makes her way to the ring accompanied by Sasha Banks and Tamina.
Paige vs Naomi
This match is underway and Naomi uses the ropes to prepare herself. We go into the lockup and Paige takes her down for a two count. Staying in the lockup and we get a continuation into a rollup. I like how JBL talks about Paige and Saraya Knight having WAW title reigns. Paige again with a two count. Paige is putting the boot to Naomi as Team Bella looks on. Naomi shakes that butt and makes sure she gets several knees to the chest! Armbar by Paige and Sasha gets onto the apron which allows Naomi to hit a backcracker with those lite-brite boots. Bulldog somewhat into the turnbuckle there and a two count by Naomi. Kick to the back of Paige and Naomi goes for the rest hold. Elbow to the back of the head of Paige followed by a kick and a two count. Naomi with a kick to the face! Naomi stretches the body of Paige on the post! Ramming the back of Paige into the apron. Naomi shoots the half for a two count. Paige is fighting back now with a pair of kicks and a fallaway slam after screaming this is her house. Short-arm clothesline by Paige followed by a dropkick, Paige going for the PTO but Naomi grabs the ropes and Paige goes into the ropes. Kick to the skull but Naomi cannot captalize and runs into the corner. Naomi with a kick though and misses a crossbody! PTO attempt but Paige takes her down, and the third time is the charm and Naomi has no choice but to tap out!
Winner by Submission: Paige
We see an amazing opening contest that was Rollins vs Neville for the title and Rollins somehow retained!
We see an interview with Stardust, he talks about how Neville will not be his hero, but it is about time, Stephen Amell will be on Raw! The Arrow will face Stardust next week!
Coming up next, we will see a tribute to “Rowdy” Roddy Piper.
We see the continuation of the disrespectful actions of the Bella’s on Total Divas.
We see a very classy move by Madison Square Garden by putting Roddy Piper on it! We then see the tribute video of Roddy Piper from earlier tonight. I just have to say this, we have lost a true icon in this industry. A man who was one of the very first that could talk the talk and walk the walk. A man that did what he said he would do, a talk show host, wrestler, commentator, Intercontinental, World Tag Team, and United States Champion. Not to forget all of his accomplishments in the NWA, with the Mid-Atlantic Championship, Television Championship, United States Championship and many more. God bless ya Roddy!
We go from Roddy to a man that could possibly be the modern day Roddy Piper, Dean Ambrose. He talks about the life of Roddy and continues to say they are all out of gum! Reigns talks about the words of Bray but Randy Orton comes out in a Hot Rod shirt, which is kind of akward seeing he used to be the Legend Killer, and says leave Sheamus to him. The six man tag is up next.
We see the challenges take a toll on the competitors, who will give up? Find out tomorrow night on Tough Enough.
The Arrow will be apart of Raw next week! This will be huge.
Randy Orton makes his way to the ring, without his Piper shirt. Keeping the Legend Killer gimmick alive and well. Cole tells us that this is episode 1,158 of Raw! Dean Ambrose makes his way to the ring. Roman Reigns soon follows, also without his Piper shirt. Cole shills the Raw before SummerSlam in Minnenapolis, Minnesota. Sheamus makes his way to the ring. Bray Wyatt and Luke Harper soon follow.
Randy Orton, Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns vs Sheamus, Bray Wyatt and Luke Harper
Ambrose and Harper kick things off in the corner as Ambrose with chops and punches but off the ropes we go ducking the line and giving one of his own. Ambrose tosses Harper outside the ring. We have all six men brawling and Ambrose with the elbow onto everyone on the outside as Raw rolls on!
We see another Tough Enough promo.
Sheamus with some huge blows but Reigns with a haymaker of his own as we come back! Sheamus is tossed out of the ring and Reigns is going after Fella here! They are just throwing hambones! Reigns goes into the barricade but both men go back itno the ring and Sheamus tags in Bray Wyatt but Bray tags in Luke Harper. Lockup into the corner and a clean break but Roman slapjacks him and these two are just brawling right now. Harper with a suplex but Roman blocks it and hits a suplex of his own as Ambrose tags in with a dropkcik. Slaps in the corner by Ambrose followed by a forearm but Harper with a boot of his own and Bray tags in and is laying in the forearms. Bray up top with a superplex but Ambrose blocks it and a headbutt knocks Bray down, Harper goes down but so does Ambrose as we cut to break.
We see another Tough Enough promo, but now they will be firefighters? This could get interesting.
Ambrose fights out of a hold as we come back. Bray with a lariat and tags in Harper. Harper slams him down, picks him up again but Ambrose with a slam of his own. Ambrose tosses him out of the ring but Harper is quickly back in and a big boot to Reigns. Ambrose takes him back down and needs to tag in Orton and does, here comes Bray and here comes Orton. Powwerslam by Orton. Bray goes for the urnage but Orton gets the backbreaker, followed by the vintage ropes DDT. Orton setting up for the RKO but Harper with a lariat and Ambrose dives onto Harper. Big boot to Ambrose! Reigns with a superman punch! Roman begging for the tag and he gets it and here comes Sheamus. Samoan drop followed by several clotheslines in the corner! Sheamus gets clotheslined out of the ring. Superman dropkick by Reigns and Roman gets slammed into the announce table, Harper also slammed into the announce table, superman punch to Bray, Sheamus rolls him up for two. Superman punch to Sheamus, kick to Harper, inside-out clothesline by Ambrose and he runs itno Sister Abigail but Ambrose dives onto Harper! RKO to Wyatt! Brouge misses but Reigns with the spear! Reigns picks up the win!
Winners: Roman Reigns, Dean Ambrose and Randy Orton
Stone Cold and Paige are in the Podcast arena, the Stone Cold Podcast with Paige will be up next on the WWE Network!
We see a small salute to Roddy Piper by Reigns, Ambrose and Orton, goodnight from San Jose!
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