Our Study
In this modern day, technology is rapidly increasing from snail mail to email, mores code to mobile phones, and abacus to calculator and now we have computers, all these things were invented just to make the work and communication make easier and faster. One of the finest inventions people enjoy is the internet.
Internet is the system that supports the wireless communication. It is associated with an electronic computer, that operates under the direct control of central equipment and uses it in different situation like regulates the records, and takes transaction. Nowadays most of the employees, teachers, students, and specially the companies are using the internet.
Nowadays applying or inquiring in the coop. for loaning you need to go the coop. and it consume a lot a time and effort. In proposed system, inquiring and applying for membership or loaning through website was made easy and less time. In keeping the records of the MCDCoop members, records are made of papers works and
They store it through the filling cabinet, but it is not properly organized. It can easily be loss, but in the proposed system it was made easy in keeping the records and it will be stored, organized and can easily retrieve.
The members in the cooperative have been satisfied with such services that the MCDCoop have been rendering upon then, but yet due to the constant change in the industry, MCDCoop is now facing the technology that’s prospering their competence and other industry and holding them from attaining much proficient service for their members, the World Wide Web (www).
This thesis entitled ”MCDCoop Online Loaning System” aims to create a dynamic website that is efficient for Malolos Credit and Development Cooperative (MCDCoop), a savings and credit cooperative. The website will be a big help for its members to have a better alternative ways of knowing their transactions and information that they needed regarding the cooperative, Also, employees of the cooperative will be able to eradicate if not lessen their manual operations.
Cooperative business is a legally incorporated business owned and controlled by its members, wherein service is in priority to its members rather ¬that would render their needs.
The Malolos Credit and Development Cooperative (MCDCoop) came up with the idea of pursuing to have a website to cater its members and prospective members. It is in this light that the proponents continue the ideas of the MCDCoop in its endeavor of good public service.
This Cooperative, Malolos Credit and Development Cooperative (MCDCoop for brevity) were established and registered in Cooperative Development Authority (CDA) Region III at San Fernando City, Pampanga last May 16, 2006, with registered No. PGA-5583, located its Main Office in Barbara Bldg., 104 Lucero St., San Vicente, Malolos City, and it started the operation after the date of registration.
MCDCoop is not as sweet has been established like other cooperatives, it came from the experience of suffering, awful experience and full harassment from previous cooperatives which these some employees had been employed.
To start a new Cooperative, it must have wisely and knowledge to handle operation of the cooperative, these qualifications to handle the operation of the cooperative is in these employees of this cooperative. They were having full experienced to operate a cooperative and their members put their trust and confidence with these Pioneer Employees. It was too hard to build a trust and confidence at this very moment, but these members were giving their all support to establish and to build a new cooperative. Those 19 members were called as “The Cooperators”, they shared their Investment to start new cooperative, the total amount of these cooperators shares it reached almost P900T.
In Malolos Credit, the Cooperators they proposed, convinced and encouraged these employees to put a new cooperative again. Cooperators believes that the capacity of these employees were too high because they have been witnessed their previous cooperative from the scratch and to become the biggest cooperative in region because of full hardworking attitude. Actually, these employees were not convinced in cooperators said because they think to put a new cooperative is not an easy task, from their experienced of previous cooperative, it took more long years before their cooperative have been succeed. Cooperators challenge these employees not to give up their hope after they tremendous experience in their cooperative.
The types of Loan given to members are Personal Loan, Commercial Loan, Agricultural loan, Industrial/Livelihood Project Loan, SSS Pensioner's Loan, Back -to-Back Accommodation. Types of Deposits accepted in Malolos Credit and Development Cooperative are Saving Deposit, Investment/Time Deposit, and Prime Deposit.
The result and findings of the study will prove beneficial to the following:
• To the student: The proposed study will help the student by having the abilities in creating a website by using different Scripting language and Database.
• To the company: The proposed study will help the company through the website by its free advertisement exposure and lessen the manual operation in loaning.
• To the researcher: Through this study, the researchers would be able use these data for them to get new ideas and other references if they are planning to conduct the same study.
The general problem of the study is to develop a system that will be a big help to Malolos Credit and Development Cooperative. Specifically, the study seeks to answer the following questions:
• How to avoid lost of information due to improper organization of data?
• How to determine easily the status of the members’ creditor’s account?
• How to make the service faster?
• How acceptable is the system in terms of the following:
The proposal is an attempt to help Malolos Credit and Development Cooperative to involve such specific problems in terms of loaning and membership.
The general objective of the proponents is to create a dynamic website for the Malolos Credit and Development Cooperative to expand its service accessibility, advertisement exposure.
These are the following objectives that the researcher would like to achieve.
• To be able to expand the number of members
• To be able to improve the service of the cooperative
• To be able to eradicate if not lessen the manual operations
• To be able to minimize paper works
• Uses paper works
• Store files on a file cabinets
• The existing system requires more time and effort to cope up the following transactions.
• It has less security in case of record keeping because they only keep their files at files cabinet.
• Access of files of another department is not possible through computer.
• Files cannot be perfectly organized.
• Reports that can be generated anytime
• User can log-in/log out in the website
• Members can register on the website
• Announcement and event can be view
• They can changed their password
• They can download membership and loan forms
• User active and closed loan account view
The limitation of the MCDCoop Online Loaning System is that if the user don’t have an internet connection in their home they need to rent in a café to access the website and also the website is uploaded in a hosting site and also some components can’t be put in like:
• The software is only intended for the use of Malolos Credit and Development Cooperative.
• The software doesn’t have the capacity to adjust to errors made by a human, such as alteration of datum.
• Direct access to the company’s bank account.
Accuracy - condition or being precise, confirming, exactly too standard.
Cooperative – business organization owned and operated by a group of individuals for their mutual benefit.
Database – a database is an organized collection of data, today typically in digital form
Deposit – money gives a security for an article acquired for temporary use.
Efficiency – is the competence of the capability to produce with minimum effort.
Hardware – refers to objects that you can actually touch, like flash drives, display screens, keyboards, printers and chips.
Loan – an act of lending, a grant for temporary use.
Loan Officer - work for banks and other financial institutions and approve loans to individuals and businesses.
MCDCoop – Malolos Credit and Development Cooperative.
Record – a compilation of the known facts regarding something or someone.
Security – is the ability of the system to prevent unauthorized users.
Software – computer instructions or data, anything that can be stored electronically.
System – a group or arrangement of parts, facts, phenomena, that is related or interest with each other in such a way as to form as a whole.
Teller - is an employee of a cooperative who deals directly with most customers. In some places, this employee is known as a cashier. Most teller jobs require cash handling experience and a high school diploma.
User-Friendly – the condition of the system to be consistent in forming its certain tasks.
Voucher - is a bond which is worth a certain monetary value and which may be spent only for specific reasons or on specific goods.
Introduction of Computers & Information System
According to Lary Long and Nancy Long from the study of “Introduction of Computers & Information System” “More and more PC user is subscribing to commercial online information services, such as America Online, CompuServe, Genie, Prodigy, Microsoft Network (MSN), the source, Dow Jones News/Retrieval Service, DIALOG and NEWSNET. Information services have grown at a rate of 30% per year since 1900. Still less than 25% of PC owner’s subscribe to an online information service, so there is plenty of room to grow. Look for information Services to be one of the fastest growing industries during 1900’s information services, CompuServe, America Online, and Prodigy. Already have several million subscribers each Information Services have several powerful mainframe computer systems that offer a variety of information services, from hotel reservation to daily horoscopes. To take advantage of these you need a communications equipped PC (modem and communications software) and few dollars. You normally pay a one –time fee and a monthly service charge.”
“The monthly service charge varies from $ 5 to $ 20 for most popular services. The charge can be much more for Business-oriented services. Your monthly bill is based on how much you use the Information Service.”
Loan Management System
According to Power Finance, one of the major developments Financial Institution in India providing Fund based Services like Term Loan, Bill Discounting, Equipment Leasing and Non funds based services like Guarantee Services, Consultancy Services etc. for the power projects in India. Power Finance major customers include State Electricity Boards, State Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution Companies, Central and Joint Sector and private sector power companies. PFC till date has extended loans/ financial assistance for about 1500 loans.
Source: http://www.comm-it.in/form/Case_loan.aspx
Kaguruan Multi-purpose Cooperative Computerized Loan System
According to Maria Venus A.; Bacuno, Maricar C.; Morfe, Edgar G. “ The study covers the loaning transactions done by Kaguruan Multi-purpose Cooperative and
basic accounting like Assets, Liabilities, Expenses and Statement of Operation. This study develops a system that will make the transactions and processes more simple and organized, more reliable and quicker retrieval of information with fewer errors in data processing and easy generation of reports.”
“A cooperative is a duly registered association of persons with a common bond of interest. The members have voluntarily joined together to achieve a lawful
common social or economic end, making equitable contribution to the capital required and accepting a fair share of the risks and benefits of the undertaking in accordance with universally accepted cooperative principles. Traditionally, it is a movement of consumers who unite in the basis of their mutual interest in reducing living expenses and benefiting from the ownership and control of production facilities and of accommodations shared by all. Inspired with the success stories of some millionaire and multi-millionaire cooperatives and coupled with the primordial objective of helping in uplifting the economic well-being of the teachers in Basud National High School Cluster, the Kaguruan Multi-Purpose Cooperative (KMPC) was conceived and born. After almost one month, its Constitution and By-Laws and Articles of Cooperation were ratified and approved by the general assembly. It was registered and recognized by the Cooperative
Development Authority (CDA), Naga City Sub-Office on December 7, 1995 with registration number NG-2415. To instil and practice savings consciousness among its students, the cooperative launched last school year 1997-1998 the "Mag-impok"
Movement which is under the supervision of the Social Studies Teachers. The transactions and processes of KMPC are done manually.”
Conclusions/ Findings
There are almost three related studies concerning the loaning system that the proponents are proposing. They are different from each other but they have same concept. One of the examples of this is the Loan Approval Management System which includes the typical kind of loaning system that serves as an easy way of transaction. The other example is America Online that deals with the relationship of the concept.
The existing loan transaction processing system used by the Kaguruan –Multi – Purpose Cooperative is manually operated. The loan takes two (2) days to be processed. This can be obsolete because of the presence of the computers, which could facilitate any transaction at faster rate. In fact, they use word and excel which are the generally used Microsoft office works and not a specific task. That’s why their use of computer does not help to make their process faster.
Based on the research studies describe, it was expected to give different ideas in different kinds of Loaning System. The review for the Loaning System we could say that it is really a helpful system to many user. Having these kinds of system need accurate information and data to provide more reliable data or information to the one who will use it. That’s why proponents therefore conclude that if proponents are going to
create a system, proponents should provide accurate, efficient, user-friendly and reliable system.
This chapter discusses the method, instrument and tools in order to comply or to guide the proponents that developed the proposed system. The chapter is consist of the method of research adopted to be able to develop the system, together with the data gathering instrument and analytical tools that had become helpful in the course of the research. Also the formulas that will be used to evaluate the system are shown in this chapter, these are essential in the eligibility and implementation of the proposed system.
The internet research is where the proponents survey online and get an idea about the study. The proponents use the internet to expand our idea and to gain more knowledge. In addition, while browsing online the proponents found many websites that are useful in many ways. That is why the proponents need to search the internet for more information. The internet is so useful for gathering information, the downside is it has limited information and sometimes not accurate.
Observation is a tool that is critical to the improvement and innovation of a new product or service. Observation is the basic method of getting into about any event. It becomes a scientific tool for research when we use observation in a systematic manner with a scientific attitude. It implies accurate watching of phenomena as they occur in nature with regard to cause & effect relationship. In observation the researcher goes to places where the event is taking place & record the findings
There are two types of observation:
1. Direct (Reactive) Observation
In direct observation people who know that you are watching them. The only thing is that they are reacting to you. As stated, there is a concern that individuals will change their actions rather than showing you what they’re really like.
2. Unobtrusive Observation
Measure involves any method for studying behaviour where individuals do not know they are being observed. There is no concern that the observer may change the subject’s behaviour.
Library research is the research you do from books. It is useful to get relevant information especially for references. Most of the books have copyright and it cannot be reproduced. Students and researchers look through the library to get more information. A library research supports scholarly or scientific research and will
generally include primary as well as secondary sources; it will maintain permanent collections and attempt to provide access to all necessary materials.
An empirical inquiry that investigates a phenomenon within its real-life context. Case study research can mean single and multiple case studies, can include quantitative evidence, relies on multiple sources of evidence, and benefits from the prior development of theoretical propositions. It excels at bringing us to an understanding of a complex issue or add strength to what is already know through previous research.
Case study draws upon their work and proposes six steps that should be used:
• Determine and define the research question.
• Select the access and determine data gathering and analysis techniques.
• Prepares to collect the raw data.
• Collect the data in the field.
• Evaluate and analyze the data.
• Prepare the report.
The interview method of research, typically, involves a face-to-face meeting in which a researcher (interviewer) asks an individual a series of questions. The proponents are potentially gathered the important information by use of interpersonal communication in a formal way.
Theories are formulated to explain, predict, and understand phenomena and, in many cases, to challenge and extend existing knowledge, within the limits of the critical bounding assumptions. The theoretical framework is the structure that can hold or support a theory of a research study. The theoretical framework introduces and describes the theory which explains why the research problem under study exists.
Figure 3.0
The Waterfall Model
Planning Stage:
Planning is the process of creating and maintaining a plan. This is the whole preparation of the system. It consist of preparing all the gathered data and also identifying what would be the problem, so proponents can come up with what needed to do, edit, redone and add to the study.
Analysis Stage:
This is the stage of the study where the proponents analyze all the data and facts about the company and start to identify the problems from planning. It help us on analyzing all the things needed to be prioritize needs to have great focus on it.
Designing Stage:
Designing is the stage where the proponents look back to the first two stages, so the proper implementation can be apply and the proper execution.
Coding Stage:
The goal of this phase is to implement the things the proponents design in the best way as possible. If the design is complete, the specifications and upgrades in the
System had been made. It is the right time to convert textural computer to a program code.
Testing Stage:
After coding, the company together with the proponents will observe the new system throughout the days. This is the process of finding and reducing errors or even defects in a computer program in order for the system to operate.
Implementation Stage:
This is the stage where the proponents apply the designed system that aims to achieve the objectives with the company replacing their existing system, which later to be tested and subject to better improvements. The testing and implementing is much alike, the difference is that few errors can be encounter upon implementation.
Maintenance Stage:
Sometimes the design system incurs some malfunctions and other errors, the proponents shall support the company in the maintenance of the system. Maintenance is the modification and maintaining the good performance of the system.
Input Process Output
Figure 3.0 Log in (Proposed System)
Figure 3.1 Main Menu (Proposed System)
Figure 3.2 Home (Proposed System)
Figure 3.3 Contact us (Proposed System)
Figure 3.4 Application (Proposed System)
Figure 3.5 About us (Proposed System)
Figure 3.6 About us
Figure 3.6 Services (Proposed System)
Figure 3.7 Membership (Proposed System)
Figure 3.8 Gallery (Proposed System)
Figure 3.9 News & Events (Proposed System)
Input Process Output
Figure 3.10 Log in (Proposed System)
Figure 3.11 Main Menu (Proposed System)
Figure 3.12 Home (Proposed System)
Figure 3.13 Contact us (Proposed System)
Figure 3.14 Application (Proposed System)
Figure 3.15 About us (Proposed System)
Figure 3.16 About us
Figure 3.16 Services (Proposed System)
Figure 3.17 Membership (Proposed System)
Figure 3.18 Gallery (Proposed System)
Figure 3.19 News & Events (Proposed System)
Figure 3.20
Context Diagram (Existing System)
Description of Context Diagram of Existing System
The context diagram show how the existing system runs. The prospect member inquires for the membership form and fills it up and pay for the fees. Attend for the seminar about the cooperative then the member can apply for a loan. Get the loan form and fill it up, have some co-maker and give it. Wait for the board of directors approval if the load will be release or not.
Figure 3.21
Context Diagram (Proposed System)
Description of Context Diagram of Proposed System
The overall design for MCDCoop Website in the form of Context Diagram is illustrated. The member will have a username and a password. They must log-in first to view the records. For the loan history they can see their previous transactions, they can also see the current news and events of the cooperative. In this diagram it shows every menu you can see on the website like home, application, about us, gallery, services, membership and news and events.
Figure 3.22
Data Flow Diagram- Applying for Member (Existing System)
Description of Data Flow Diagram Applying for Member Existing System
This figure illustrates the input to the process that received from prospect member on how they get and pass the form to the teller and wait for the approval. The teller will check the validity of the prospect member form and wait for the Board of Directors approval.
Process Request
Figure 3.23
Data Flow Diagram – Applying for Loan (Existing System)
Description of Data Flow Diagram Applying for Loan Existing System
The Diagram shows how to apply for loan in the existing system. The member inquire to the cooperative with the manual operations on how to apply for loan. In this figure the member will get the loan form, fill it up and pass it and wait for the board of directors approval if the will be approve or decline.
Figure 3.24
Data Flow Diagram- New Member (Proposed System)
Description of Data Flow Diagram New Member Proposed System
The applicant inquire through the MCDCoop website on how to be a member, what are the requirements needed to be a member can be seen at the website. The applicant can fill up form send it or download it instead, like the existing process the applicant still need to go the cooperative for the payments. The applicant can go through the seminar and wait for the approval of the board of directors.
Process Request
Figure 3.25
Data Flow Diagram Loan New Member (Proposed System)
Description of Data Flow Diagram Loan New Member Proposed System
The applicant can now borrow money to the cooperative. With the MCDCoop website the applicant can see the transaction records, the applicant can see what it would take to be granted a loan in the cooperative. There are many kinds of loan the applicant can apply but he need to be validated if he can able to pay what he can loan and also he needs a co-maker.
The proposed system is being designed to operate as a centralized system. The system will hold details of the entire Cooperative and makes the easier, accessible and faster compared to the existing system.
The beneath mentioned are some of the advantages and disadvantages of the proposed system.
• It is user – friendly.
• More accessible, easier and faster compared to existing system.
• Time saving
• Require not large storeroom
• Integrated security
• Availability on-line
• Cannot access if no internet connection and if the server is down
• Cannot access if you have no account
• Required computer literate operator
Figure 3.26
System Flow chart – Applying for Membership (Existing System)
Figure 3.27
System Flowchart –Applying for Loan (Existing System)
Figure 2.7
Figure 3.28
System Flowchart – Log in Member (Proposed System)
Figure 3.29
System Flowchart – Applying Membership (Proposed System)
Program Flow Chart
Figure 3.30
Program Flow Chart Continuations
Figure 3.31
Program Flow Chart Continuations
Figure 3.32
Admin Menu
Figure 3.33
Figure 3.34
Admin Menu Continuations
Figure 3.35
Add, Edit and Delete option of Home Menu
Figure 3.36
Add, Edit and Delete option of Contact us Menu
Figure 3.37
Add, Edit and Delete option of Application Menu
Figure 3.38
Add, Edit and Delete option of the About us Menu
Figure 3.39
Add, Edit and Delete option of Services Menu
Figure 3.40
Add, Edit and Delete option of Membership Menu
Figure 3.41
Add, Edit and Delete option of Gallery Menu
Figure 3.42
Add, Edit and Delete option of News & Events Menu
Figure 3.43
Database: PHP and MySQL
PHP is a general-purpose server-side scripting language originally designed for Web development to produce dynamic Web pages. It is one of the first developed server-side scripting languages to be embedded into an HTML source document rather than calling an external file to process data. The code is interpreted by a Web server with a PHP processor module which generates the resulting Web page. It also has evolved to include a command-line interface capability and can be used in standalone graphical applications. PHP can be deployed on most Web servers and also as a standalone shell on almost every operating system and platform free of charge.
MySQL is a popular choice of database for use in web applications, and is a central component of the widely used LAMP open source web application software stack—LAMP is an acronym for "Linux, Apache, MySQL, Perl/PHP/Python." Free-software-open source projects that require a full-featured database management system often use MySQL.
Scripting language: HTML/CSS
HTML is a tag-based notation language used to format documents for the World Wide Web (WWW) in a manner that can be interpreted by a program known as a Web browser. An application of Standard Generalized Mark up Language (SGML), HTML allows authors to insert hyperlinks that display another HTML document when a user clicks on them with a mouse. The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) RFC 1866 (1995) standardized HTML 2, the first version to be widely used on the WWW.
Cascading Style Sheet, a new feature being added to HTML that gives both Web site developers and user more control over how pages are displayed. With CSS, designers and user can create style sheet that define how different elements, such as header and links, appear. These style sheets can then applied to any Web page. JavaScript is a scripting language developed by Netscape to enable Web authors to design interactive sites. Although it shares many of the features and structures of the full Java language, it was developed independently. JavaScript can interact with HTML source code, enabling Web authors to spice up their sites with dynamic content
Operating Cost (Existing System)
A. Personnel Monthly Annually
Manager Php 18,000.00 Php 216,000.00
Loan Officer 16,000.00 192,000.00
Cashier 10,000.00 120,000.00
Bookkeeper 10,000.00 120,000.00
Accountant 16,000.00 192,000.00
Collector (4) 8,300.00 99,600.00
Total Php 103,200.00 Php 1,238,400.00
B. Supplies
(42) Acknowledgement
Receipt @ 0.65 Php 27.08 Php 325.00
(183) Associate
Membership Form @ 0.65 119.17 1,430.00
(12) Authorization for
ATM Withdrawal @ 1.50 Php 19.00 Php 228.00
(125) Bank Reconciliation
Form @ 1.10 Php 137.50 Php 1,650.00
(147) Bond paper @ 0.25 36.88 442.50
(13) Certificate of
Investment @ 1.90 24.70 24.70
(27) Certificate of time
Deposit @ 1.90 51.30 51.30
(36) Character/Prime
Deposit @ 1.90 69.98 839.80
(142) Check Booklet @ 3.50 497.00 5,964.00
(3) Collector’s Receipt @ 40 120.00 1,440.00
(6) Co-maker’s Record @ 66 7.80 93.60
(2) Columnar Book @ 66 132.00 1,584.00
(129) Credit Evaluation
Sheet @ 0.50 64.50 774.00
(52) Credit Record @ 1.20 63.40 760.80
(97) Daily Collection
Remittance @ 1.30 126.75 1,521.00
(35) Debit/Credit Memo @ 0.55 19.66 235.95
(5) Deposit Receipt @ 44 227.33 2,728.00
(29) Disbursement Voucher @1.20 Php 34.80 Php 417.60
(168) Disclosure of Statement
Of Loan @ 1.30 Php 219.38 Php 2,632.50
(6) Envelope @ 5 31.25 375.00
Folder @ 5.75 5.75 69.00
(53) Individual Patronage
Ledger @ 1.30 68.90 826.80
(30) Joint Account Agreement
Form @ 1.10 33.92 407.00
(35) Joint Solidary Agreement
Form @ 1.10 39.50 468.60
(311) Journal Voucher @ 1.20 374.30 4,491.60
(125) Kahilingan sa Pagsapi @ 1.50 187.50 2,250.00
(70) katibayan ng Pagiging
Co-Maker @ 0.65 45.55 546.65
(3) Ledger Book @ 21 63.00 63.00
(98) Loan Disbursement
Voucher @ 1.50 148.36 1,780.50
(114) Loan Ledger @ 1.30 148.74 1,784.90
(155) Long Term Leaves @ 0.80 124.47 1,493.60
(276) Membership Investigation
Report @ 1.50 414.75 4,977.00
(7) Membership Withdrawal @ 1.30 Php 9.32 Php 111.80
(2) Official Receipt @ 44 Php 121.00 Php 1,452.00
(274) Pangako sa
Pananagutan @1.50 412.00 4,944.00
(75) Pass Book @2.90 219.92 2,639.00
(102) Pensioner Loan/Savings
Deposit Leaves @0.80 82.87 984.40
(125) Pensioner loan
Application @ 1.30 162.50 1,950.00
(34) Pensioner loan
Leaves @ 0.80 27.87 334.40
(149) Pretty Cash Voucher @ 0.65 96.90 1,162.85
(302) Plastic Jacket 2 3.75 1,132.50 13,590.00
(41) Preferred Share Ledger @ 1.20 50.00 600.00
(214) Prime Deposit Ledger @ 1.20 257.90 3,094.80
(16) Prime Deposit Withdrawal
Slip @ 0.55 9.17 110.00
(31) Promissory Note @1.50 46.75 561.00
(7) Provisional Receipt @ 28 196.00 196.00
(42) Remittance Slip @ 0.35 14.76 177.10
(83) Request for loan
Application @ 0.60 50.00 600.00
(98) Saving Deposit Leaves @ 0.90 Php 89.03 Php 1,068.30
(82) Saving Deposit Ledger @ 1.20 Php 98.80 Php 1,185.60
(5) Savings Withdrawal slip @ 50 266.67 3,200.00
(33) Share Capital Ledger @ 1.20 40.60 487.20
(10) Share Capital Withdrawal
Slip @ 0.50 10.00 120.00
(66) Specimen Cards @ 1.20
(83) Time/Investment Withdrawal 80.00 960.00
(101) Statement of MO. Disposable
Income @ 1.30 131.73
Slip @0.65 54.17 650.00
(163)Tungkol sa Kahilingan sa
Pagsapi @0.60 97.90 1,174.80
TOTAL Php 7,387.22 Php 88,646.65
C. Company Expenses
Electricity Php 7,000.00 Php 84,000.00
Water 275.00 3,300.00
PLDT 3,557.00 42,684.00
TOTAL Php 10,832.00 Php 129,984.00
D. Equipment
Salvage value @ 20% Acquisition Cost
Depreciation Value = Acquisition Cost-Salvage Value
Useful life
Air-condition (2) @ 35,000
Salvage Value = 70,000 x 0.2
Depreciation Value = 70,000 – 14,000
= 11,200/year
Computer Set (10) @ 20,000
Salvage Value = 200,000 x 0.2
= 40,000
Depreciation Value = 200,000 – 40,000
= 32,000/year
Typewriter (2) @ 8,000
Salvage Value = 16,000x 0.2
= 3,200
Depreciation Value = 16,000 – 3,200
= 2,560/year
Tables (16) @ 3,000
Salvage Value = 48,000 x 0.2
= 9,600
Depreciation Value = 48,000 – 9,600
= 32,000/year
Chairs (60) @ 300
Salvage Value = 18,000 x 0.2
= 3,600
Depreciation Value = 18,000 – 3,600
= 2,880/year
Calculator (8) @ 249
Salvage Value = 1,992 x 0.2
= 398.4
Depreciation Value = 1,992 – 398.4
Adding Machine (3) @ 3,850
Salvage Value = 11,550 x 0.2
= 2,310
Depreciation Value = 11,550 – 2,310
= 1,848/year
Filing Cabinet (4) @ 10,000
Salvage Value = 40,000 x 0.2
= 8,000
Depreciation Value = 40,000 – 8,000
= 6,400/year
Hanging Drawers (6) @ 5,900
Salvage Value = 35,400 x 0.2
= 7,080
Depreciation Value = 35,400 – 7,080
= 5,664/year
Continuous Printer (2) @ 4,200
Salvage Value = 8,400 x 0.2
= 1,680
Depreciation Value = 8,400 – 1,680
= 6,400/year
Laser Printer @ 7,500
Salvage Value = 7,500 x 0.2
= 1,500
Depreciation Value = 7,500 – 1,500
= 1,200/year
Printer @ 3,500
Salvage Value = 3,500 x 0.2
= 700
Depreciation Value = 3,500 – 700
= 560/year
Whiteboard (5) @ 1,000
Salvage Value = 5,000 x 0.2
= 1,000
Depreciation Value = 5,000 – 1,000
= 800/year
Telephone (3) @ 500
Salvage Value = 1,500 x 0.2
= 300
Depreciation Value = 1,500 – 300
Fluorescent Lamp (7) @ 1,100
Salvage Value = 7,700 x 0.2
= 1,540s
Depreciation Value = 7,700 – 1,540
= 1,232/year
Car @ 92,000
Salvage Value = 92,000 x 0.2
= 18,400
Depreciation Value = 92,000 – 18,400
= 14,720/year
Total Equipment Depreciation Cost Per Year Php 92,006.72
A. Personnel Php 1,238,400.00
B. Supplies 88,646.65
C. Company Expenses 129,984.00
D. Equipment 92,006.72
Total Operating Cost (Existing System) Php 1,549,277.37
Operating Cost (Proposed System)
A. Personnel Monthly Annually
Programmer Php 10,000.00 Php120,000.00
Total Php 10,000.00 Php120,000.00
B. Supplies
(42) Acknowledgement
Receipt @ 0.65 Php 27.08 Php 325.00
(12) Authorization for
ATM Withdrawal @ 1.50 19.00 228.00
(125) Bank Reconciliation
Form @ 1.10 137.50 1650.00
(147) Bond paper @ 0.25 36.88 442.50
(13) Certificate of
Investment @ 1.90 24.70 24.70
(27) Certificate of time
Deposit @ 1.90 51.30 51.30
(36) Character/Prime
Deposit @ 1.90 69.98 839.80
(142) Check Booklet @ 3.50 497.00 5,964.00
(3) Collector’s Receipt @ 40 120.00 1,440.00
(6) Co-maker’s Record @ 66 7.80 93.60
(2) Columnar Book @ 66 Php 132.00 Php 1,584.00
(129) Credit Evaluation
Sheet @ 0.50 Php 64.50 Php 774.00
(52) Credit Record @ 1.20 63.40 760.80
(97) Daily Collection
Remittance @ 1.30 126.75 1,521.00
(35) Debit/Credit Memo @ 0.55 19.66 235.95
(5) Deposit Receipt @ 44 227.33 2,728.00
(29) Disbursement Voucher @1.20 34.80 417.60
(168) Disclosure of Statement
Of Loan @ 1.30 219.38 2,632.50
(186) ECL Form @ 1.40 260.52 3,126.20
(6) Envelope @ 5 31.25 375.00
Folder @ 5.75 5.75 69.00
(53) Individual Patronage
Ledger @ 1.30 68.90 826.80
(30) Joint Account Agreement
Form @ 1.10 33.92 407.00
(35) Joint Solidary Agreement
Form @ 1.10 39.50 474.00
(311) Journal Voucher @ 1.20 374.30 4,491.60
(125) Kahilingan sa Pagsapi @ 1.50 Php 187.50 Php 2,250.00
(70) katibayan ng Pagiging
Co-Maker @ 0.65 Php 45.55 Php 546.65
(3) Ledger Book @ 21 63.00 63.00
(98) Loan Disbursement
Voucher @ 1.50 148.36 1,780.50
(114) Loan Ledger @ 1.30 148.74 1,784.90
(155) Long Term Leaves @ 0.80 124.47 1,493.60
(276) Membership Investigation
Report @ 1.50 414.75 4,977.00
(7) Membership Withdrawal @ 1.30 9.32 111.80
(2) Official Receipt @ 44 121.00 1,452.00
(274) Pangako sa
Pananagutan @1.50 412.00 4,944.00
(75) Pass Book @2.90 219.92 2,639.00
(102) Pensioner Loan/Savings
Deposit Leaves @0.80 82.87 984.40
(125) Pensioner loan
Application @ 1.30 162.50 1,950.00
(34) Pensioner loan
Leaves @ 0.80 27.87 334.40
(149) Pretty Cash Voucher @ 0.65 96.90 1,162.85
(302) Plastic Jacket 2 3.75 1,132.50 13,590.00
(41) Preferred Share Ledger @ 1.20 Php 50.00 Php 600.00
(214) Prime Deposit Ledger @ 1.20 Php 257.90 Php 3,094.80
(16) Prime Deposit Withdrawal
Slip @ 0.55 9.17 110.00
(31) Promissory Note @1.50 46.75 561.00
(7) Provisional Receipt @ 28 196.00 196.00
(42) Remittance Slip @ 0.35 14.76 177.10
(83) Request for loan
Application @ 0.60 50.00 600.00
(98) Saving Deposit Leaves @ 0.90 89.03 1,068.30
(82) Saving Deposit Ledger @ 1.20 98.80 1,185.60
(5) Savings Withdrawal slip @ 50 266.67 3,200.00
(33) Share Capital Ledger @ 1.20 40.60 487.20
(10) Share Capital Withdrawal
Slip @ 0.50 10.00 120.00
(66) Specimen Cards @ 1.20 80.00 960.00
(101) Statement of MO. Disposable
Income @ 1.30 131.73 1,580.80
(83) Time/Investment Withdrawal
Slip @0.65 54.17 650.00
(163)Tungkol sa Kahilinga sa
Pagsapi @0.60 Php 97.90 Php 1,174.80
TOTAL Php 7,268.00 Php 87,216.65
C. Company Expenses
Electricity Php 7,000.00 Php 84,000.00
Water 275.00 3,300.00
PLDT 3,557.00 42,684.00
TOTAL Php 10,832.00 Php 129,984.00
D. Equipment
Salvage value @ 20% Acquisition Cost
Depreciation Value = Acquisition Cost-Salvage Value
Useful life
Computer Set (10) @ 20,000
Salvage Value = 200,000 x 0.2
= 40,000
Depreciation Value = 200,000 – 40,000
= 32,000/year
Tables (16) @ 3,000
Salvage Value = 48,000 x 0.2
= 9,600
Depreciation Value = 48,000 – 9,600
= 32,000/year
Calculator (8) @ 249
Salvage Value = 1,992 x 0.2
= 398.4
Depreciation Value = 1,992 – 398.4
= 318.72/year
Printer @ 3,500
Salvage Value = 3,500 x 0.2
= 700
Depreciation Value = 3,500 – 700
= 560/year
Whiteboard (2) @ 1,000
Salvage Value = 2,000 x 0.2
= 400
Depreciation Value = 2,000 – 400
= 320/year
Telephone (3) @ 500
Salvage Value = 1,500 x 0.2
= 300
Depreciation Value = 1,500 – 300
= 1,600/year
Fluorescent Lamp (7) @ 1,100
Salvage Value = 7,700 x 0.2
= 1,540
Depreciation Value = 7,700 – 1,540
= 1,232/year
Total Equipment Depreciation Cost Per Year Php 68,030.72
A. Personnel Php 120,000.00
B. Supplies 87,216.65
C. Company expenses 105,766.72
D. Equipment Php 68,030.72
Development Cost
A. hardware cost
1computer set @ 14,000.00
Salvage value=14,000.00*20%
= 2,800.00
= 960.00
Total hardware cost Php 2,240.00
B. software cost
1 windows 7 (licensed copy) @ 7,000.00
Salvage value = 6,000.00*20%
= 1,200.00
= 960.00/year
1 Php (free) @00
Salvage value = 00*20%
= 00
Depreciation = 00-00
= 00/year
1 MySQL(free) @ 00
Salvage value = 00*20% = 00
Depreciation = 00-00
= 00/year
Total software cost Php 960.00
A. Hardware cost Php 2,240.00
B. Software cost 960.00
C. Programmer Labor 10,000.00
D. Electricity consumption 4,000.00
Total Development Cost (Proposed system) Php 17,200.00
Computing cost benefit analysis
Annual cost benefit=operating cost (existing)-operating cost (proposed)
Operating cost:
Existing system Php 1,549,277.37
Proposed system 398,214.09
Annual cost benefit Php 1,151,063.28
Present value=operating cost benefit*1/(1+r/100)
Where: 1/(1+12/100)-total discount
Present value=1,151,063.28*1/(1+r/100) r=12% first year
= Php 1,026,748.45
Present value=*1/(1+r/100) r=24% second year
= Php 927,757.00
Present value=*1/(1+r/100) r=36% third year
= Php 846,031.51
Present value=1,151,063.28*1/ (1+r/100) r=48% fourth year
= 1,151,063.28*1/ (1+48/100)
= 1,151,063.28*0.675
= Php 776,967.71
Present value=1,151,063.28*1/(1+r/100) r=60% fifth year
= Php 719,414.55
Cumulative Present Value = Cumulative Present Value + Present Value
Year Annual cost benefit Present value Cumulative present value
1 Php 1,151,063.28 Php 1,026,748.45 Php 1,026,748.45
2 Php 1,151,063.28 Php 927,757.00 Php 2,053,496.9
3 Php 1,151,063.28 Php 846,031.51 Php 2,889,528.41
4 Php 1,151,063.28 Php 776,967.71 Php 3,676,496.12
5 Php 1,151,063.28 Php 719,414.55 Php 4,395,910.67
Table 1.0
Payback period = annual cost benefit/present value
= 1,151,063.28/719,414.55
Return on investment= (last accumulated present value - development cost)*100
Last accumulated present value
= (4,395,910.67-17,200.00)*100
Net savings = last accumulated present value-development cost
= (4,395,910.67-17,200.00)
NT =4,378,710.67
The Proponent Conclude that the Proposed Study can cost of Php 398,214.09
while the Existing Cost are amounting of Php 1,549,277.37 and the Annual Cost Benefits amounting of Php 1,151,063.28. The Payback Period 1.60/year. The Return on Investment is amounting of 99.56%.
Operating System: Windows XP/Windows 7
Processor: Core 2 Duo
Hard Disk: 100GB
User-Interface: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, XML
Client-Side Scripting: HTML, CSS,
Database: PHP, MySQL
The subjects of the study will comprise all of the IT specialists, cooperative members and staff who are being part of the Malolos Credit and Development Cooperative. The table on the subjects of the study is presented in Table 2.
Table 2
Subjects of the Study
Martin Ryan Ocampo Programmer
Elpidio M. Quetua Employee
Joycee Y. Bautista Employee
Jasfer Ryan S. Garcia Member
Michelle Audente Member
Adam Christian N. Matias Member
Danica S. Crespo Member
Carlson Jan S. Santos Member
Ma. Theresa B Cruz Member
Celso F. Pascual, Sr. Founder
Lualhati P. Prudente Employee
Amelita P. Dionisio Manager
Lelvie S. Pascual Employee
Aurelia E. Culala Employee
Jeffrey Cuento Employee
Lumy S. Alegre Employee
Florante S Jimenez Employee
Ernesto A. Mendoza Employee
Julieta DG. Concetion Employee
Eric Sanchez Member
TOTAL 20 Respondents
Research Instrument
Evaluation sheets will be used as the instrument of data gathering in this study. The evaluation sheets will determine how acceptable the proposed system will be. The survey proper explored on how will the respondents will see or perceive both systems assessed in terms of convenience, creativity, portability, user-friendly and security, particularly on its usability and reliability as a system and appraisal tool. The questions were constructed using the likert format. In this survey type, five choices are provided for every question or statement. The choices represent the degree of agreement each respondent has on the given question. The scale was used
to interpret the total responses of all the respondents for every survey question by computing the weighted mean.
Data Gathering
The proponents will distribute the evaluation sheets after the permission was given by the organization. The gathered data will be tallied. In order to test the validity of the questionnaire used for the study, the researcher tested the questionnaire to twenty respondents. These respondents as well as their answer were not part of the actual study process and were only used for testing purposes. After the questions been answered, the researcher will asked if they have any suggestions or comments to make sure the improvement and validity of the instrument.
Statistical Treatment
The study will utilize statistical tests such as weighted mean to determine how acceptable the proposed system. The information will be analyzed and presented in tables and graphical forms. In order to use the likert scale for interpretation, weighted mean to represent each question was computed. Weighted mean is similar to an arithmetic mean where instead of each of the data points contributing equally to the final average, some data points contribute more than others. To compute for the weighted mean, each value must be multiplied by its weight. Products should then be added to obtain the total value. The total weight should be computed by adding all the weights. The total value is then divided by the total weight. Statistically, the weighted mean is calculated using the following formula.
Table 3
Likert Scale
Rating Scale Range
5 Excellent 4.51-5.0
4 Very Good 3.51-4.5
3 Good 2.51-3.5
2 Fair 1.5-2.5
1 Poor 1.0-1.50
Table 3 presents the Likert scale. It will be used to measure and interpret the results of the evaluation of the respondents of the study.
Table 4
Criteria for System Evaluation
• To have more appropriate system that will enhance the manual process of the existing system
Creativity • To be able to provide a creative and better feature for the cooperative
Portability • To make website that can provide as fast and initiative flow of information and transaction
User-friendliness • To have an easy to learn and accessible system that will surely help all employers and members
Table 5
Weighted Mean of Existing System
5 4 3 2 1
Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor
Convenience 0 2 14 4 0 2.9
Creativity 0 0 13 6 0 2.55
Portability 0 2 14 4 0 2.9
User-friendliness 0 6 11 2 1 3.1
Figure 4.0 Graphical Representation of the Existing System
Description of the Result on Existing System
The table shows the result of the evaluation done by twenty respondents who are willingly answered the evaluation sheet. As the figure show the mean of Convenience is 2.9 that fall’s in a poor range, 2.55 for creativity that range is Fair, as well as the portability that fall in a fair range too, 3.1 for user-friendliness that brings it to Good range, lastly portability that range 2.9, where the range is Good. The total weighted mean of the Existing System is 2.86.
Table 6
Weighted Mean of Proposed System
5 4 3 2 1
Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor
Convenience 6 13 1 0 0 4.25
Creativity 5 13 2 0 0 4.15
Portability 3 14 3 0 0 3.7
User-friendliness 10
10 0 0 0 4.5
Figure 4.1 Graphical Representation of the proposed system
Description of the Result on Proposed System
The table shows the result of the evaluation done by 20 respondents who are willingly answered the evaluation. The said evaluation is set to evaluate the proposed system presented by the proponents to Malolos Credit and Development Cooperative to enhance the manual system they are currently using. As the result shown in figure the mean of Convenience is 4.25, the mean for Creativity is 4.15 and for portability 3.7, 4.5 for User-friendliness and for the Total weighted mean of the proposed system is 4.15.
Figure 4.3 Graphical Representation of Result between the Existing and Proposed system
Description of the Result between the Existing and Proposed System
The Figure 4.3 shows the Graphical representation of the Existing and Proposed System. As shown on the graph, a lot of people assented that the Proposed System is further convenience, creative, portable, have a good security, and a user friendly one. The representation shows the difference between the two, in order to have a vivid and reliable survey for the sake of the software engineering.
The study is for Malolos Credit and Development Cooperative. The proponents find solutions for the problems the cooperative encountered with the use of possible resources. With proper planning and management, a website can be valuable resource of information to many people ranging members and non-members. While many of the decisions concerning design and implementations are made only once. It is important to note that some aspects of planning and management are recurring and must be reviewed regularly to ensure long-term effectiveness.
• Whenever data are entered into the system, care must be taken to promote data integrity.
• Similarly, procedures for security and giving the access must be continuously updated and always needed to be monitored to ensure the confidentiality of member’s records.
Developing a system for Malolos Credit and Development Cooperative was a matter of choice and essence. It will be a medium of the school for the proper management of the student’s information in an organized way. It is now essential for the organization to transmit the member’s record on the system without crawling into the cooperative cabinet.
The following conclusions arising from this study shows the feasibility of the proposed online data processing.
1. Since the present system at its manual nature of operation leads to high turnaround time of the information and data processing, the introduction of a computer and an online processing would shorten the time of process for the files and information would be up to date and also accurate.
2. An online loaning website would enable the decisions since up to date information and other data could be process at a fast and accurate mode.
3. Growing rate of members has a direct effect on the present information and data processing would remedy the adverse effects of the present system.
4. An online data processing would speed up the development of the research projects and give more way to other study. Also it would benefit the cooperative staff and members in the process and information flow.
Base on the finding and conclusion formulated in this research study, the following conditions are hereby proposed:
1. The system should undergo some development, like adding profile for every member, adding things that would help the company and the member that will use the website.
2. The system should also improve the advertisement they put in to have more members for the cooperative.
3. The other factors that should be improved by Malolos Credit and Development Cooperative is the capacity of the website, when a website become so big in numbers they should consider upgrading hardware and server.
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First name......
Middle name.....
2) Gender:.........
3) Loan Amount Needed:.........
4) Loan Duration:.........
5) Country:.........
6) Home Address:.........
7) Mobile Number:.........
8) Email address..........
9) Monthly Income:.....................
10) Occupation:...........................
11)Which site did you here about us.....................
Thanks and Best Regards.
Derek Email osmanloanserves@gmail.com