CHAPTER I THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND INTRODUCTION In this modern day, technology is rapidly increasing from snail mail to email, mores code to mobile phones, and abacus to calculator and now we have computers, all these things were invented just to make the work and communication make easier and faster. One of the finest inventions people enjoy is the internet. Internet is the system that supports the wireless communication. It is associated with an electronic computer, that operates under the direct control of central equipment and uses it in different situation like regulates the records, and takes transaction. Nowadays most of the employees, teachers, students, and specially the companies are using the internet. Nowadays applying or inquiring in the coop. for loaning you need to go the coop. and it consume a lot a time and effort. In proposed system, inquiring and applying for membership or loaning through website was made easy and less time. In keeping the records of ...