Humor- is the quality of inducing laughter or perceiving
What is conical
- sense of humor is essential to every person if he wants to lighten the heavy burdend of life
= as general rule it should be good to inject some humor in formal speeches like club , meetings. social reunions, etc
= humor my arouse the interest of the audience
- may relax listeners in preparation for more difficult thought s
- relax listeners/audience
=humor has to be adapted to the kind of audience the speaker have
=in cracking joke, originally is essential
1. fun- is a clever play of words
2. understatement – is a form of humor that underplays on idea
3. exaggeration- it is the overstatement of an idea
4. irony- it is saying something opposite to or different from what the speaker means
5. Ridicule – exposes the subject to contempt. Care must be taken here that the audience will see no malice at it
6. burlesque- it is ludicrous treatment of a serious statement/ situation
7. unexpected – statement that is not anticipated by the audience
8. unusual – a description of peculiarities of people or a bizarre situation
9. irreverence – is disrespect for person or things that is ordinary commanded respect
1. dialogue – speaker should play more colorful and descriptive language
2. action – the use of facial and hand gesture
3. timing – one secrets to effective delivery of humor is the right timing
Language and style in speech
Preparation and speech delivery
Language -is the vehicle of expression that consists of words.
- it is a means of transporting ideas form one person to another.
Types of language
1. Slang - it is the language of the street
- it is not used in formal gatherings
2. Superflous - words that is something to be guarded against
3. Fad language - jargon/terms of a particular professionals like lawyers doctors engineers scholars etc
4. Pet words - that are fondly utter by the speaker
Style - it is the manner of using words.
- it requires a delicate sense for the beauty of words
Three qualities of good style in speech
1. Facility of expression - it makes the speech flow smoothing and requires a working command of language
2. Clarity - makes the speech easy to comprehend with the use of simple and readily understandable words
3. Vigor - gives life to the speech and which naecessitates the use of colorful words
Color in speech
A. Connotative
B. denotative
C. Parallel construction
D. Imagery
Figures of speech
A figurre of speech is change from ordinary manner of expression using words other than their literal sense to enhance the way a thought is expressed.
1. Hyperbole - an exaggeration not meant to be taken literally
2. Simile - the comparisson of two disimilar things, persons or place using like as look like etc.
3. Personification - representing a thing quality on idea as a person
4. Synechdoche - using port of the whole or the whole of a part
5. Irony - using words to mean the opposite of what is said
6. Aposthrophe - direct address of an absent or dead person of personified thing
7. Litote - refers to the use of understatement to affirm a particular situation or event with the use of a negative opposite
types of speech according to preparation and delivery
1. read speech - is a speech that is written out and read word for word during delivery.
2. memorized speech - a speech that is committed entirely to memory.
3. impromptu speech - an on the spot speech.
4. extemporaneous speech - is one where the ideas are prepared but the language is composed only for he moment of delivery.
types of speech according yo purpose
1. to actuate - is a speech which attemps to make the audience do something for the speaker.
2. to convince - is a speech which attempts to make the audience agree or believe in a certain proposition.
3. to stimulate - is to arouse the emotions of the audience.
4. to inform - is to import knowledge to the audience.
5. to entertain - is a speech which attempts to amuse the audience.
types of speech according to occasion
1. commemorative speech
2. commencement speech
3. welcome speech
4. introduction speech
5. dedication speech
6. courtesy speech
7. ceremonial speech
8. presentation speech
9. acceptance speech
10. eulogy speech
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