The earth is on the new age, Age of the Technologies..when the year 2000 comes it was said that technologies and science will rise! and it's true. Since 2000 and upto now 2009 a.d the technology evolution is to fast.
_the technology era continues but it have a very bad effects on us! on our planet..The planet is being devastated.. from technology and anything connected to it like.. Urban cities development...
The earth's environment is being destroy even we did'nt even know. Pollution is so undescribable in any place at the planet!.
A place with a clean air is so often.... Forest destruction is still continuing for selfishness purposes.. Global warming enters and earth is on a threat....... Earth's Destruction..
it's true nobody cannot deny on it....If we don't stop on our stupid doing here at earth, this will happen. i admit myself that i've been part also from crazy and one of pollutants here at earth but i've change! we need to change! for the sake of ALL!...and for the god creations SAKE!
Global warming can get worst if anything continues...and if we don't prevent this!....impossible can happen like having snow season in a tropical country like philippines..Hard to believe but that can's too bad!
As a 15 years old teenager i am here by to say...To all of us please unite to STOP GLOBAL WARMING!....we need the earth and the earth need us from what will happen..
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