The Simpsons Movie

The movie budget was 75 million and gross revenue was 527, 071, 022 Million Dollars Before watching the movie i have watch few times the simpsons, the regular tv show is as crazy like the movie. The opening of this movie start with the itchy and scratchy movie and then Homer simpson complaining why people watch the movie even they can watch it in tv for free and then homer addresses the viewer of the movie that they are all giant sucker then the intro of simpsons start. I have watch this funny crazy movie not just once or twice maybe i have watch it 7 times i guess, i want to want to watch it with others or sometimes just alone. HAHA Greenday is part of the movie but it was only in the first part, part in were they die like the sinking of the titanic haha! so funny... The simpsons movie story is great, like the classic movies it gives the character a chance to change something for a better one that can save other people, the movie end like in the first part in where h...