SpiderMan 2

Budget $200 million Gross revenue $783,766,341 I have watch this movie for many times but i did'nt pay attention to understand it because i was just a little kid when it was shown in the world but after a fewer more years i watch it seriuosly and then i understand how the story flows and who is spiderman. Peter Parker is spiderman, in this movie he is many times seen by people unmask but the people surrounding him said they won't tell anyone the secret of the super hero. This movie is about the lover and in how he can manage all he want in a normal way and not like as super hero. But afterward when he realize that a man who have a powerful force have a powerful responsibility. The enemy here is not really a bad guy but he is just control by the artificial intelligence that conquer his mind and enable to control him. those apparatus is his main power in fighting our super hero in this movie. and in the last part of the movie, it sounds like there will be reven...