In a story entwined by tragedy and fate, Deokman (Queen Seondeok’s childhood name) was born a twin under a king of Silla. However, a prophecy led to her abandonment as a baby. She was later reclaims her origins in the Silla palace, where she joins forces with her older, twin sister, Princess Cheonmyeong, to oppose Mishil, a royal concubine to aimed to take the throne. Mishil devised sinister plans to have the two Silla princesses exiled from the kingdom, and in a secretive battle, Princess Cheonmyeong was assassinated by Mishil's forces. However Princess Deokman shrewdly enlisted the help of General Kim Yushin and eliminated her archenemy Mishil. As Queen, Seon Deok uses her abilities to bring peace back into her kingdom and rule with the loneliness as a sole ruler. She became the first female ruler of the Silla kingdom. CAST Lee Yo Won as Queen Seondeok of Silla Nam Ji Hyeon as young Deokman Ko Hyun Jung as Mishil UEE as young Mishil Uhm Tae Woong as Kim Yusin Lee Hyun ...